Tell IOC No Torch in Tibet!

Take Action: Tell IOC No Torch in Tibet!
Screw China."As Chinese troops intensify their crackdown against Tibetans, the Chinese Government prepares to launch its Olympic Torch Relay next week. On Monday, March 24th, the torch will be lit in Olympia and start what the Chinese government is calling a global "Journey of Harmony". Beijing plans to run the torch through Lhasa and other Tibetan territories including to the top of Mount Everest in a propaganda exercise designed to convince the world that Tibet belongs to China.
In the past week, tens of thousands of Tibetans have risen up across Tibet, risking everything to demand their independence. The global community must stop China from parading the Olympic torch through Tibetan territory while hundreds, possibly thousands, of Tibetans are being tortured and brutalized in Chinese detention cells.
Please take action now and demand the International Olympic Committee (IOC) immediately withdraw the Tibet Autonomous Region and the Tibetan provinces of Amdo and Kham from the Olympic torch relay route. Tell me more."
Labels: China
stuff like this always makes me sick. :(
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