TSA Has Your Junk Out Front

Airport security bares all, or does it? - CNN.com
I hate airports anymore. A few weeks ago I flew up to Washington state to visit Charlotte and Lobo. I didn't have to go through one of these scanners which I'm really glad about. First off, it's a HUGE invasion of privacy. HELLO 1984!!!!!!!! And it's not that I think anything under my clothes is something that hasn't been seen before...as it were. I just think this is a joke. I get on planes with pencils, pens, and knitting needles. All lethal weapons if you know how to use them. So are socks and tennis balls. This is just smoke and mirrors to make the American traveling public FEEL like our government is protecting them to the tune of big bucks.
When are we all going to have to wear 'traveling jumpsuits' issued by the government and donned at the airport? 2015 betcha.
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