The Wanderer

Look what I found wandering about at the Valley of Fire. This Tarantula was about the size of my palm and quite the fast walker. I had already used up both my CF cards shooting the Valley of Fire but, as always, had my Sony P&S with me. Got about 15 shots before I decided to let it meander on its way. It didn't rear up once which I was waiting for so I guess I didn't scare it too much with the black box zooming in about 5 inches away. Could have watched it for an hour if I had had the time.
While I RUN from other spiders, Tarantulas never seem to make my nervous system jump or crawl in the same manner as ugly, creepy, jaw-grinding little 8-legged runners of horror. YUCK.
One another note, we're going to be 82* today. We've had a beautiful fall so far. It is definitely the time to be out in the desert.
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There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or you're OUT. There's no such thing as life in-between.
-- Pat Riley
Labels: Desert
That is just so cool! I keep telling Denny I want to see a rattlesnake and scorpion to photograph and he's all "are you nuts?????". *sigh*
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