Zion Gold & Red

"Zion Gold & Red" ©2009 K.C.C.
Fall is finally upon us here in the desert southwest. The weather is fantastic! Zion National Park is such a close road trip out of Las Vegas, 3 hours max, that it is easy to run up in the morning and return the same evening. Since the Zion valley floor is so narrow, direct sun time is somewhat limited. Which is either a photographic blessing or curse depending on what you want to capture. So plan your photographic timing around the light times. Both 'sunrise' and 'sunset' are vastly different than on a flatter plane.
Above trees standing along the river are back-lit showing off their greens and golds. Most of the reds are already gone at both the upper and lower levels of the valley. Nevertheless, all the gold and yellow is stunning against the red sandstone walls and cliffs.
The weather is perfect for anything...camping, hiking, and picnicking. I hiked up to the beginning of "The Narrows" but didn't pass the water entry line. Didn't have on waterproof day-wear or more importantly, a dry sack for the camera gear. (Wet cameras would make it an expensive trip.) The 'hike' took about 2 hours up because I had to keep stopping to photographic something. So much Autumn splendour to enjoy and photograph. Your 'enjoyment' time will vary ;-).
Lots of people were out and it was fun interacting with them. Everyone seems to always want to know, "WHAT are you taking a photo of?" Or they'll comment as they walk by, "That sure is the shot of the day." Then when they see me somewhere else NOT taking a picture, they'll want to know how my photos came out. Tourists
I've noticed carrying a camera larger than a sandwich is kind of like walking with Luna. One is always noticed and 50% of the time some interaction takes place. People are funny, as if seeing a camera or a dog out of the house is some new experience. We're a weird species we are.
Simply Recipes' "Spicy Vegetarian Chili"
Labels: Desert, National Parks, photos, Travel, Zion
I know that sunrise/late afternoon are the best times for photography but I can't drag Denny out of bed that early in the morning and afternoons he's done for the day. *sigh* Will you be posting the pix somewhere?
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